Monday, February 23, 2015

Puppy Vaccinations

Puppy Vaccinations

The puppy vaccination series is one of the most important aspects of your puppy's early life. Vaccinating pets has been a controversial subject for years. Many people worry that we are over-vaccinating out pets, possibly putting them at risk for auto-immune issues and vaccine reactions. That's part of the reason many vets are moving towards a three-year protocol (rather than annual) for adult dogs. However, when it comes to puppies it's a different story. Just like human babies, puppies (and kittens) need basic immunizations at the very least. Plus, the vaccine visits allow your vet to examine your puppy every few weeks and monitor his growth and overall health. Talk to your vet about the best immunization schedule for your puppy. More »
Boston Terrier Puppy - Photo of Boston Terrier Ace - Photo © Jodi Mallory
Ace, an 8 week old Boston Terrier. Photo © Jodi Mallory

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Essential Puppy Supplies

Your new puppy will need certain items from the very start. Some are essential for your pup's well-being, while others are quite helpful. Most important items include a leash and collar with identification, food and water bowls, and chew toys. You should also get a nice dog bed and, preferably, a crate or kennel. Some if these items can last as your puppy ages, but bear in mind that most of them will need to be replaced when your puppy grows. Collars may be adjustable to a certain point. A kennel can be purchased in a larger size for the future, but should be blocked off with boxes or other objects to make it the right size for the puppy. Be prepared for the expenses associated with dog ownership so you can budget accordingly. More »
Puppy at Empty Food Bowl - Hungry Puppy - Photo © sanjoyg on flickr
Photo © sanjoyg on flickr

Choosing Your Puppy's Food

Your puppy's diet can make all the difference in his future health and well-being. Before you decide on a puppy food, do your research. Talk to your vet, other pet professionals, and fellow dog owners. Remember that if the food you initially choose does not meet your expectations, you can gradually switch to another food. In today's dog-friendly world, the choices of diet seem endless. Some owners like to feed premium foods, while many feel that holistic/natural diets are best. However, homemade and raw diets are becoming increasingly popular. While researching puppy food, consider the quality of ingredients, inclusion of proper nutrients, and taste. Basically, the food should be good for your puppy and he should like eating it. More »
Is Your Puppy Showing The Signs? Stop This Early Sign Of Aggression!
Puppy at Veterinarian - Photo of Puppy at Vet - Photo by Getty Images
Photo by Getty Images

Keeping Your Puppy Healthy

Preferably, you will find a veterinarian before you get a puppy. Within a few days of taking your new puppy home, you should bring him to your vet for a general exam. Your vet can help identify any potential heath issues early on, and advise you on caring for your puppy long-term. This initial visit also opens the doors of communication with you and your vet. Over the course of your puppy's first six months, you will see a lot of your vet. This begins with vaccines and usually leads to spay or neuter. Typically, puppies should be spayed or neutered around six months of age. To help keep your puppy's expenses down, you may consider purchasing pet health insurance, which could cover up to 80% of your dog's health care costs.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Puppies 101 By Jenna Stregowski, RVT.

Bringing a new puppy into your home will change your life forever. Puppies are definitely a lot of work, but the also bring plenty of joy to your world. Whether you are getting your first puppy or just need a refresher course, this is what you'll need to know. From welcoming your new puppy home, to training and health information, these tips will help you get your puppy on the right track to adulthood.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Should I induce vomiting after my dog ingests a toxin? By Jenna Stregowski, RVT

Question: Should I induce vomiting after my dog ingests a toxin?
Answer: Sometimes, but not always.
If you believe that your dog has ingested a dangerous substance, it is essential to act right away. However, you should never induce vomiting without first speaking with a veterinary professional. Begin by calling a veterinarian's office or an animal poison control hotline. You should have the package and a sample of the toxin with you during the phone call, if available. The quicker you can explain what your pet ate, the faster therapy can begin.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Heartworm Prevention Options for Your Dog By Jenna Stregowski, RVT

Heartworm disease is a life-threatening parasitic infection that invades the hearts and lungs of dogs. Because heartworms are spread solely by the mosquito, any dog exposed to mosquitos is at risk. Heartworm disease is a relatively common disease in dogs that has been seen everywhere in the United States. Because of this, the American Heartworm Society currently recommends year-round treatment with a heartworm preventative for all dogs in the US regardless of climate. However, dogs in the Southeast are at the highest risk.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dog Weight Loss and Maintenance By Jenna Stregowski, RVT

Pug Dog on Scale - Photo © American Images Inc / Getty Images

Obesity in dogs is a growing problem. As with humans, overweight pets are at a high risk for a variety of health issues such as diabetes and heart disease. Weight loss is the key to preventing these health problems or helping to treat them if they have already begun.
Weight loss for dogs is clearly not a matter of willpower for the dog. Owners, however, may need to use willpower to resist those begging eyes. Remember, food is not love! As a reward to your dog, try offering personal attention and toys.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How long is a dog's pregnancy (gestation)? By Jenna Stregowski, RVT

Question: How long is a dog's pregnancy (gestation)?

Answer: Pregnancy in dogs, also called gestation, typically lasts 63 days (about nine weeks). The duration of a dog's pregnancy can fall in the range of 58 to 68 days.
Though estrus (heat cycles) can vary from breed to breed, the normal gestation period falls within the same range for all dogs, regardless of breed.
Golden retriever dog lying on sofa, close-up - Janie Airey/Getty Images

Monday, January 26, 2015

How to Train Your Dog to Look At You By Amy Bender

The command “look” is used to get your dog’s attention. It is useful for times when you need your dog to focus on you, such as during obedience training. It is especially helpful for those who work as a team with their dogs. For instance, people who compete in dog agility or those who are involved in search and rescue can use the “look” command to get their dog’s attention in order to give them instructions on what to do next. It is also useful for working on behavior problems. Having your dog focus his attention on you can divert his attention away from the things that bring out fearful or aggressive behaviors.
Here’s how to teach your dog the “look” command:

Getting Started 

Portugese Water Dog looking for instruction - Apple Tree House/Photodisc/Getty Images

 “Look” is a very simple command to teach. You will need some treats, and your clicker if you are working on clicker training. Teaching “look” is a great way to introduce your dog to the clicker if you have not already done so. You should begin training in a quiet spot with very little to distract your dog. Once you have your clicker and treats ready, say your dog’s name followed by the command “look.”

Thursday, January 22, 2015

10 Dog Park Safety Tips By Sara Tan Jul 01, 2013

1. Make sure your dog is vaccinated.
This should be a no-brainer. While dog parks are fun and all, they are a breeding ground for germs and diseases. It's kind of an unspoken code, but every pet owner has the responsibility of keeping their pups up to date on all of their vaccinations. Of course, not everyone plays by the rules, so if you feel the need, don't be afraid to ask other pet parents if their dogs are fully vaccinated.

Monday, January 19, 2015



Fast Facts

Country of Origin:China
AKC Group:Toy Group
UKC Group:Companion
Use today:Companion
Life Span:12 to 14 years
Color:Fawn or black.
Coat:Fine, smooth, soft, short, and glossy.
Grooming:Monthly grooming. Brush daily to reduce shedding.
Size:Small Dog Breed
Height:No height standards
Weight:14 to 18 pounds

Friday, January 9, 2015

Cane Corso

                               Cane Corso


Fast Facts

Country of Origin:Italy
AKC Group:Working Group
UKC Group:Guardian
Use today:Working
Life Span:8 to 10 years
Color:Black, gray, fawn, red or brindled.
Coat:Short, stiff, shiny and dense.
Grooming:Groom weekly.
Size:Large Dog Breed
Height:23 to 27.5 inches at the shoulder
Weight:Proportionate to height  


Monday, January 5, 2015

Cairn Terrier

                         Cairn Terrier

 Fast Facts

Country of Origin:Scotland
AKC Group:Terrier Group
UKC Group:Terrier
Use today:Earthdog
Life Span:13 to 14 years.
Color:Any color combination, excluding white. Dark ears, muzzle and tail tip are desirable.
Coat:Hard and weather-resistant. Must be double-coated with profuse harsh outer coat and short, soft, close furry undercoat.
Grooming:Brush weekly. Some hand stripping is required to keep the outline trim.
Size:Small Dog Breed
Height:9.5 to 10 inches at the withers
Weight:13 to 14 pounds

Friday, January 2, 2015


Dogs of any age can be susceptible to hemangiosarcomas - malignant tumors arising from blood vessels - but those middle-aged and over 8 are especially vulnerable. The aggressively spreading cancer may go undetected until the last stages, making it a silent killer. Although they can be found almost anywhere in the body, about 80 percent of all heman giosarcomas begin in the spleen, said John Berg, DVM, chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. The spleen, a large organ in the abdomen, stores blood, among other functions. “Fewer hemangiosarcomas arise in the heart and fewer still in other sites, such as the skin, “he said. “And although not directly heritable, there appears to be a predisposition among purebreds - particularly large breeds such as German Shepherds, Labradors and Golden Retrievers. “Surgery can often cure the form of the disease affecting the skin. In that location, the tumor often doesn’t metastasize, or spread, to distant sites. Otherwise, hemangiosarcomas are rarely curable. As long as expectations are realistic, however, temporary remissions are possible. “Many dogs recover quickly from tumor removal surgery and, although they may only have a short time left, the quality of life during this time can be excellent, “said Dr. Berg, a surgical specialist. Because splenic hemangiosarcomas develop internally, they often give little warning until they become quite advanced. The spleen may suddenly begin bleeding, and blood may enter the abdomen. “A dog may exhibit sudden weakness or he may collapse,”Dr. Berg said. “His gums look pale and his pulse is rapid. He is in danger of going into shock or even dying. If this happens, consider it an emergency and get your dog to a veterinarian.”